Selected tag: Pauli Lyytinen

Elifantree’s global rhythm adventure

by Wif StengerPublished 08 Jan 2021

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Reviews by Petri SilasPublished 16 Apr 2020

The Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Reviews by Petri SilasPublished 07 Nov 2019

Breathtaking double-team improv

Reviews by Wif StengerPublished 07 Nov 2019

Cool music from a hot town

Reviews by Anthony ShawPublished 05 Aug 2019

A well-blended Palette

Reviews by Jan-Erik HolmbergPublished 03 Oct 2018

The Darker Arts

Reviews by Petri SilasPublished 29 Mar 2018

A shining star on the rise

Reviews by Petri SilasPublished 29 Mar 2018

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